Norsk Svenska


getSmart Kids: Number arithmetic

1 - 924,- USD140,- NOK
10 - 4917,- USD102,- NOK
50 +15,- USD88,- NOK

Age: 7 years and older

The topic of this deck of cards is number arithmetic. Due to the broad span of this topic, some of the games are more suitable for teens and adults. Other games such as: “Friends of Number Ten” are more appropriate for younger kids. Consequently this deck of cards can be used to play card games suitable for all kids. A specific multiplication game will make you a champion in the small multiplication table.


Rules - PowerPointSize:
  getSmart MultiMatch - Kids2.pps  1.53 MB 

Rules - PDFSize:
  Regler - getSmart Kids - Tallregning.pdf  381.53 KB