Norsk Svenska


getSmart Algebra

1 - 924,- USD140,- NOK
10 - 4917,- USD102,- NOK
50 +15,- USD88,- NOK

Age: 14 years and older

The topic of this deck of cards is algebra, such as completing-the-squares, powers, and nth roots arithmetic. It is primarily intended for high school use but is also suited for use in the middle school, possibly with some of the more difficult cards removed.

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Rules - PowerPointSize:
  getSmart Vri Åtter - Grå.pps  1.75 MB 

Rules - PDFSize:
  Regler - getSmart Grå - Videregående.pdf  427.17 KB 
  Regler - getSmart Grå - Ungdomstrinnet.pdf  425.75 KB