getSmart Measurment: Collection box

1 - 9 | 68,- USD | 405,- NOK |
10 - 49 | 55,- USD | 325,- NOK |
50 + | 48,- USD | 285,- NOK |
Age: 10 years and older
This product is a collection box that contains all four measurement decks; getSmart Measurement: Length, getSmart Measurement: Mass, getSmart Measurements: Volume and getSmart Measurement: Time.
Rules - PowerPoint | Size: | |
getSmart Vri Åtter - Måling_Lengde.pps | 1.64 MB | |
getSmart Vri Åtter - Måling_Tid.pps | 1.47 MB | |
getSmart Vri Åtter - Måling_Masse.pps | 1.28 MB | |
getSmart Vri Åtter - Måling_Volum.pps | 1.87 MB |
Rules - PDF | Size: | |
Regler - getSmart Måling.pdf | 430.44 KB |

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